Course curriculum

    1. Curriculum and Content

    2. Table of Content

    1. Conceptual delimitations and theoretical approaches

    2. Social Phenomenon Event

    3. Actors and Market of Events

    1. Projekt Management

    2. Planning the Sports-Events

    3. Marketing of Sports Events

    1. History of Sports Events

    2. The "Events-Cosmos" today

    1. Introduction

    2. Socio-Economic and political impact

    3. Economic impact analysis

    4. Local and Regional Development

    5. Business and political implications

    1. Case Study : Olympic Games

About this course

  • $49.90
  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Meet the Expert

Ralf Iwan

Consultant | Lecturer | Coach

During my 25 years in the international Sports Management as Head-Coach, Sports Manager, and Sports Director I have nurtured athletes from various countries - from youth age groups to Olympic finals. My mission today is to share my international experience in the sports industry with students at a number of private universities in Berlin / Germany - online, on campus and in special seminars.